A dynamic website for the everyday cannabis user
Humankind Studio
My role
Art direction
Web design
Motion graphics
Photo editing
Project management
What’s in a name? Everything. Strane is all about the details, including those related to its homonym, strain. Every cannabis user is unique in their preferences and needs, and similarly, every cannabis strain has different terpene combos and provide a different feeling.
Across Strane packaging, tamper tapes play double duty by both ensuring product safety and highlighting the strain. In a related practical approach, I created the site to showcase the product and embellish the details.
With three different lines, Strane has something for everyone. Each line has its own page and breaks down the types of products offered while visualizing the product using hand-lettering and consumption related illustrations. The more familiar a product appears, the quicker people are to understand it.
Reefer madness
Each product image was created as an animation for the cannabis consumer who has a sativa personality, as well as a still image for those indica personalities who prefer reduced motion.
The journey
It’s nice to know how products are made. Since cannabis is still an emerging industry, Strane presents its story in an educational and illustrative format. Using scroll-enabled json animations allowed us to add custom motion, like watering flower or pouring out concentrate, to the page, while increasing the overall page load speed.